By Rosemary McMullen
It was a beautiful day on Sarasota Bay.
A bright sky showed Flamingos their way.
Sailors dressed in pink rigged their boats not to sink.
Winds 14, gusts to 20....rescue boats were seen in plenty.
24 Sailors on the course, there to defy the winds of force.
3 American 18's, 3 420s, and 18 Sunfish boats all managed to stay afloat.
Race Committee was compelled, so 4 fun filled races were held.
Upon returning to the shore amusing festivities there galore.
Pink Flamingos everywhere....lots of sailors had pink hair!
Scrumptious food in large amounts but the Sangria made us bounce!
Awards given to the winners, games were played without spinners.
Flamingo Fling Hole and Flamingo Fong Beer were games we played without fear!
This my friends is the Lassies Ode to the Flamingo Fling!!
Photo 1: Fabulous Flamingo Fling Chair: Ashley Lippincott
Photo 2: Sunfish Overall Winners: Rebecca Hermann 3rd, Lisa Brown Ehrhart 1st and Kellee Johnson 2nd (L-R)
Photo 3: Salt Winner - Janettte McCoid, Supersalt Winner -Katrina West and Luffer Winner-Irene Schaller (L-R)
Photo 4: Flamingo Fling Prize Table of Pink Champagne
Photo 5: 420 Winners, Marge Whiteman and Ann Carroll 3rd, Jennifer Means and Barbara Sylvester (missing) 1st, Penny Durham and Brenda Scanlon (missing) 2nd
Photo 6: American 18s Winners: Fran Mericle and Jaki Becker,3rd, Ursula Olson and Linda Schwartz 1st, Susie Baumann and Sandi Szmania 2nd (L-R)