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2023 Salty Sisters' Holiday Interclub

Writer's picture: Missy WeinerMissy Weiner

For all the photos that Rita took, click here.

After wind was a no show in last spring’s Rainbow Regatta in St. Petersburg and the Salty Sisters’ Interclub last December with hope no doubt motivated 33 sailors who launched from the St. Petersburg Sailing Center on Tuesday, December 5th in one and a half knots of wind to compete in the Salty Sisters’ 2023 Holiday Regatta. They were rewarded with a beautiful day, with enough building breeze to race and PRO Gloria Davis was able to get a couple of races in within the allotted time.

There were 68 participants including 10 Sunfish sailors, 22 teammates consisting of skippers and crew out on 8 Ideal 18’s along with 12 spectators. There were 7 on race committee and 17 enthusiastic volunteers.

The top sunfish sailors were Salty Sister Dee Gill taking 3rd, Windlasses Joy Sheets in 2nd and finishing 1st Windlasses Chris Kelly. The Ideal 18 winners were the Independent team in 3rd place consisting of JP Summerville, JoAnn Simmons (Broad Reacher) Trisha Birkenstock (Salty Sisters), in 2nd place was the team from the Mainsheet Mamas; sailing for their team was Jennifer Holmberg and Julie Sargent, and in 1st place was the Salty Sisters team skipper Els W, Jennifer Anderson and Pat Burrows.

The day ended with lunch at the St. Petersburg Yacht Club where the club was decorated for the holidays, and everyone had an opportunity to wander in the club looking at all the decorations.



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