Rainbow Regatta Awards
Click on the Award Name for the list of recipients!
Clearwater Pram and International Optimist Dinghy (I.O.D) Fleets
Clearwater Pram Individual Over All ​ This perpetual trophy is awarded to the top scoring Clearwater Pram competitor.
Clearwater Pram Perpetual Team Trophy This perpetual trophy is awarded to the top scoring club.
Clearwater Pram Masters Lucas Perpetual Trophy This perpetual trophy is awarded to the top Pram competitor who is 70 years and older.
I.O.D./OPTI Individual Over All This perpetual trophy is awarded to the top scoring I.O.D./OPT competitor.
I.O.D./OPTI Team Perpetual Trophy This perpetual trophy is awarded to the top scoring Clearwater I.O.D./OPTI scoring club.
I.O.D./OPTI Masters Perpetual Trophy This perpetual trophy is awarded to the top I.O.D./OPTI competitor who is 70 years and older.

Pram Masters Perpetual Trophy
IODA Team Champion Trophy
IODA Master Champion Trophy
Sunfish Fleet
Sunfish Perpetual Trophy This perpetual trophy is awarded to the top overall Sunfish competitor at the Rainbow Regatta. The trophy is acrylic Sunfish with a blue hull atop of a two-tiered base and engraved "FWSA Rainbow Regatta Sunfish Perpetual Trophy."
Sunfish First Apprentice Perpetual Trophy This perpetual trophy is awarded to the top Sunfish competitor who is under 50 years of age. The trophy is a sailing sunfish carved out of mahogany wood and engraved "FWSA Rainbow Regatta Sunfish First Apprentice." The trophy was donated by Rita Steele.
Sunfish First Salt Perpetual Trophy This perpetual trophy is awarded to the top Sunfish competitor who is 50-59 years of age. The trophy is a sailing sunfish carved out of mahogany wood and engraved "FWSA Rainbow Regatta Sunfish First Salt." The trophy was donated by Rita Steele.
Sunfish Super Salt Perpetual Trophy This perpetual trophy is awarded to the top Sunfish competitor who is 60-69 years of age. The trophy is an acrylic Sunfish on top of a wooden base and engraved "FWSA Rainbow Regatta Sunfish First Super Salt." This trophy was donated by Paula Shur in 2018.
Sunfish Masters DOTY Perpetual Trophy This perpetual trophy is awarded to the top Sunfish competitor who is 70 years of age and older. The trophy is an acrylic sunfish on top of a wooden base and engraved "FWSA Rainbow Regatta Sunfish Masters."

Sunfish Perpetual Trophy

Sunfish First Apprentice Trophy